Physical Therapy
Scoliosis Care Schroth Method Iyengar Yoga Workshops Mind Body Techniques Dina Chalom, PT, MOMT |
Personal Consultation Appointment
Review of your specific concerns and goals, general fitness and wellness review, yoga or pilates consultation.
May include scoliosis review and shape of your curves, if applicable.
Review of your specific concerns and goals, general fitness and wellness review, yoga or pilates consultation.
May include scoliosis review and shape of your curves, if applicable.

Services available:
- Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment - Online and in person
- Scoliosis Care - Certified Schroth Method - Advanced level C2 - Online and in person
- Yoga Consultation and Instruction - Online and inperson
- Comprehensive and Progressive Workshop Programs - Live and Online
- Patient Portal
- Support Group - Scoliosis, Schroth, Iyengar Yoga and Spine Health
I utilize my education and experience in physical therapy, yoga and wellness to help you achieve your healthiest life.
Whether you are working with an acute or chronic injury, or interested in prevention - I can help. I have spent almost thirty years in the physical therapy profession honing my knowledge and skills for treating orthopedic injuries and am considered an expert in my field. See bio for details. In addition to looking at injuries and pain from a biomechanical model, I will look at how your understanding of pain and injury is helping or hindering your recovery and will work with pain education and mind body awareness for maximum effect. Having worked with persons of all ages and ability levels has provided me with many techniques and approaches for treating injuries and maximizing recovery. From olympic caliber athletes to teens with sports injuries to senior citizens with mobility issues - I have experience with them all. The common denominator is that people want to get what they need from me, and learn how to help themselves. I can help. |